Dr. Stacia Alexander black female counselor

Professional Consulting | Coaching

Dr. Stacia Alexander is a preeminent authority in the field of counseling, boasting over 25 years of firsthand experience in successfully building and operating a thriving private practice in the dynamic Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Her career has been defined by an unwavering dedication to the profession and a profound commitment to empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Professional Consulting | Coaching

Are you an entrepreneur ready to take your business to the next level? Dr. Alexander offers expert consulting and coaching services tailored to your unique needs. With a wealth of experience in guiding businesses towards sustainable growth, Dr. Alexander provides personalized strategies and actionable insights to help you elevate and expand your enterprise. Whether you’re looking to optimize your operations, develop innovative solutions, or enhance your leadership skills, Dr. Alexander’s professional coaching will empower you to achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. Partner with Dr. Alexander today and embark on a transformative journey towards business excellence.

Private Practice Development

Private Practice Launch

Are you ready to transform your career and create a thriving private counseling practice? Our comprehensive Private Practice Launch Curriculum is designed to equip you with the essential tools, strategies, and support you need to succeed. Whether you’re a new clinician or a seasoned professional, our program covers every aspect of establishing and running a successful private practice. From mastering financial management and client engagement to integrating modern technology and upholding ethical standards, our expert-led curriculum provides the knowledge and confidence to navigate the complexities of private practice. Join us today and take the first step towards building a rewarding and sustainable career in mental health.

Seasoned Clinicians

Are you a seasoned clinician feeling overwhelmed with managing your private practice? Struggling with low referrals, overwork, and the need to diversify your revenue sources? Our comprehensive Private Practice Launch Curriculum is specifically designed to address the pain points experienced by established practitioners like you. Gain insights from seasoned professionals on building a robust practice framework, enhancing client engagement, and implementing effective marketing strategies. Learn how to optimize your financial management, integrate modern technology, and maintain work-life balance while upholding the highest ethical standards. Join us today and transform your practice into a thriving, sustainable enterprise.


Dr. Stacia Alexander is a renowned authority in the field of counseling, with over 25 years of firsthand experience in successfully running a private practice in the bustling Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex. Her journey has been marked by unparalleled dedication and a profound commitment to the profession. What sets Dr. Alexander apart is her unique ability to impart knowledge and insights that go beyond the boundaries of traditional graduate programs.

Navigating the intricacies of building, developing, and sustaining a thriving private practice is no small feat. Many aspects are rarely covered in formal education. This is where Dr. Alexander’s expertise truly shines. 

Her invaluable experience, cultivated over decades of hands-on involvement, equips her to provide associates with the wisdom and strategies they simply cannot find in textbooks.

Over her illustrious career, Dr. Alexander has not only managed her own private practice but has also employed and mentored over 300 licensed and provisionally licensed clinicians. Under her guidance, her group practice seamlessly accepted insurance and maintained vital local, state, and federal contracts to provide clinical and training services. This speaks to her exceptional prowess in both the clinical and administrative dimensions of the counseling profession.

Dr. Alexander’s journey is more than just a testament to her unwavering commitment; it is a beacon of hope and inspiration for aspiring clinicians seeking to thrive in the dynamic world of private practice. Her vast experience, coupled with her passion for nurturing the next generation of counselors, makes her an invaluable resource for anyone embarking on this transformative journey.

With Dr. Stacia Alexander as your guide, you’ll not only gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise but also unlock the keys to building, developing, and sustaining a prosperous private practice in today’s competitive landscape. Her legacy is a testament to the heights that can be reached with dedication, hard work, and a mentor who has been there, done that, and is eager to share her wisdom with you.